ब्रुकलिन मनोरन्जन र खेल कानून समाज Uncategorized 12 कुमामोटो, जापान, जापान

12 कुमामोटो, जापान, जापान

मा प्रदर्शन गर्नको लागि सबै कारणहरू किन म तम्मोटोलाई संक्षिप्त रूपमा दुई शब्दमा राखिएको हेर्न चाहन्छु: कुममेन र रामेन पनि। कुमम्मन क्मेम्बोको संक्रमकको आधिकारिक मस्कट हो, यद्यपि उनले सम्पूर्ण देशलाई आँधीबेहरी लिएका छन्। जापानको वरपरका वर्षका वर्षहरूमा, म यो प्यारा मसाथी व्यावहारिक रूपमा जताततै देख्न सक्दछु, जसले मेरो जिज्ञासालाई उत्प्रेरित गर्छ। अर्कोतर्फ कुमांटो रामनहरू, मेरो रामण चेकलिस्टमा अन्तिम उत्पादन थियो।

यद्यपि यी मेरा दुई प्राथमिक प्रेरणाहरू छन्, कुम्माटोमा खुट्टा सेट गर्नमा, यो indectated गन्तव्यको एक ठूलो सम्झौता छ। हालसालै, जेआरसुआले हामीलाई चेक आउट गर्न आमन्त्रित गर्न आमन्त्रित गर्नुभयो र आफैंलाई धेरै प्राकृतिक र ऐतिहासिक आकर्षणहरू पूर्णता देखा पर्नुभयो।

कम्मोटोले कयसपु टापुलाई कम्पोस्ट्या signes तुल्यायो। यो फिकुकाका साथै ओटाकोका साथै ओटाकोका र मियाजकीको पश्चिममा छ। यसको धेरै लोकप्रिय कार्य MST. ASO हो Aso, जापान, ठूलो प्राचीन एएसओ क्याल्डियस मा विशाल सक्रिय ज्वालामुखी। जबकि धेरै पर्यटकहरूले मात्र कुमामोटो शहरको सांस्कृतिक सम्पदा हेर्न पाउँछन्, राजधानीको धेरै संख्यामा क्षेत्र यात्राहरू काल्डेरा क्षेत्रको वरिपरि केन्द्रित छन्।

यदि तपाईं कुममोटो हेर्नका लागि योजना गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने, यहाँ थोरै सबै भन्दा राम्रो चीजहरू छन् र ती दुबै उत्तम चीजहरू छन् र दुबै चीजहरू छन् र म्यूममोटा शहरका साथै तम्मोतोनो प्रान्तमा हेर्नका लागि।

यस गाईडमा के भयो?

डाकोनाबो चोर
Kumamoto महल
सकुरा-नो-बाबा जोआ
Shimodori स्ट्रीट आर्केड
सुइजेजी बगैचा
Kumamoto रामेन
ASO बीफ (Akaushi)
घोडाको मासु
कुरोबुक अनसेन
Amakaakusa डल्फिन हेर्दै
विशेष ट्रेनहरू सवारी गर्नुहोस्
कम्मोटोलाई कसरी पुग्ने
कसरी fukuoka जाने
यूट्यूबका पोष्टहरूमा थप सुझावहरू:

डाकोनाबो चोर

Aso Caldera को रिम को सब भन्दा अग्लो, डायकिनाबो (कहिलेकाँही डायकाम हिउँको) एक खोज पोइन्ट हो जुन Caldea को एक लुकाउता प्रहार गर्न को लागी। यहाँ सब भन्दा चाखलाग्दो दृश्यहरू यहाँ माउन्टको पाँचवटा चुचुराहरू हुन्, ASO सँगसँगै सुत्ने बुद्धको सिल्हूट टाइप गर्नुहोस्। यदि तपाईंको समय सही छ भने, तपाईंले यो देख्न सक्नुहुनेछ कि बुद्ध बादलहरूको समुद्रमा तैरिरहेको जस्तो देखिन्छ।

फोटोहरू VINS Carloss साथै Yosh आयाम द्वारा
तपाईं त्यस्तै आरो शहर को एक पूर्ण दृष्टिकोण को साथ खुशी हुनुहुन्छ तल घाँस-कार्पेड रोलिंग पहाडहरु को दृष्टिकोण को लागी। साइट अत्यन्त इन्स्टाग्राम-योग्य छ कि हामीले घाँसमा तस्वीर लिँदै बस एक ठूलो समय बितायौं। यदि तपाईं भोकाउनुभयो भने, एटो पार्किंग क्षेत्रको नजिक स्मारिकार्ड पसल त्यस्तै केही जापानी क्यानक्स प्रदान गर्दछ।

Kumamoto महल

धेरै जापानी शहरहरू जुन पुराना दिनमा फस्टाइन्थ्यो र आफ्नो आफ्नै आश्चर्यजनक महलमा गर्व ल्याउँछ, साथै कुमामोटा अपवाद हुँदैन। कुमामोटो महल शहरको मुटुमा विशाल, कमाण्डिंग संरचना हो। मूल भवन 1 16007 मा निर्माण गरिएको थियो, यद्यपि आजका थुप्रै अडिडहरू केवल वफादार पुनर्निर्माण हुन्छन्। अझै, यो तपाईंको समयको लायक छ यदि तपाईं एक ईतिहास वा डिजाइन बुफ।

सयौं चेरी रूखहरूले यसरी कास्टलको चारैतिर घेरा दिन्छ, जसले यसलाई हरेक वसन्तको वसन्त साइट बनाउँदछ!

महत्वपूर्ण! 201 2016 भूकम्पले धेरैजसो महललाई नराम्ररी क्षति पुर्यायो। केहि भागहरू प्रतिबन्धित छन् साथै सप्ताहन्तमा मात्र खुला छ। तपाईंको भ्रमण अघि अद्यावधिक तालिका निरीक्षण गर्न निश्चित गर्नुहोस्।

सकुरा-नो-बाबा जोआ

कुमामोटो महल मैदानमा प्रवेश गर्ने पर्यटकहरू orkurarnoba, एक नयाँ यात्री हटस्पट, साथै एक EDo-अवधि शहर को लागी को लागी को रूप मा महसुस छ।

यहाँका प्राथमिक आकर्षण वावाकूजा, एक अन्तर्क्रियात्मक प्रदर्शन हो जुन शहरको ईतिहास प्रदर्शन गर्दछ। एक थप हाइलाइट सबुरान्डुओकोजीले 20 भन्दा बढी सेवन स्टोरहरूको साथसाथै क्षेत्रीय रेस्टुरेन्टहरू बनेको आकान किन्नुभयो। मध्यमा एक मञ्च अप सेट अप गरिएको छ, जहाँ कहिले काँही समुराई प्रदर्शन प्रदर्शन गरिन्छ। त्यहाँ एक यात्री जानकारी केन्द्र छ, जसले महल क्षेत्रमा जानको लागि आवश्यक रोक्न आवश्यक छ।

Shimodori स्ट्रीट आर्केड

हरेक प्रमुख समकालीन जापानी शहरमा पनि उनीहरूको किन्दै आर्कड छ। कुम्मोटोमा, यो shimodori हो, जुन धेरै ब्लकहरू अलमल्लमा पार्छ। यो कभर गरिएको सडकका साथै स्टिमि and ्ग एलीवेहरू साथै रेस्टुरेन्टहरूको साथै रेस्टुरेन्टहरूको फराकिलो छनौट साथै याकिन्किकुमा सुशीको बारहरूसम्म।

सुइजेजी बगैचा

कुममोटो क्यासलबाट धेरै टाढा छैन सुदय ज़ुजी हो। यो हसकवा परिवारले 1 16322 मा विकास भएको मन्दिरको प्रदर्शनको रूपमा सुरु भएको थियो। आज यो बढ्दो शहरमा शान्तिको नसमालिस हो। बगैंचाको योजनाले 53 year शकधुवा राजमार्गलाई on 53 प्रकाशित शहरहरुलाई एक नाट प्रदान गर्दछ जुन Keoto साथै tokyo फिर्ता लिंक गर्दछ।

Kumamoto रामेन

कुम्मोटो रामनाहरू टेन्गाडान द्वारा
मैले पहिले भनेझैं तम्मोटोलाई हेर्दा म यत्तिको कारणले गर्दा असामामोटोले मेरो फेम्मोटा रायको साथ मेरो ज्वालामुखी रामनको साथ मेरो ज्वालामुखी राक्षसहितको मौका हुन पाउँदा म अत्यन्तै उत्साहित थिएँ।

धेरै जसो मानिसहरू हाकोटा रामेनका साथ अत्यन्त परिचित छन् तथापि कुमाटा रामेन छैनन्। तिनीहरूसँग समानताका उत्कृष्ट सम्झौताहरू छन्। स्टार्जरको लागि, दुबै टनखटस-आधारित शोरबा छन्, जसले पोर्क हड्डीहरू प्रयोग गर्दछ जुन एआर हुन्छe boiled as well as simmered for hours. Both ramen styles can likewise trace their roots to Kurume, where the original tonkotsu soup was created. however like close brothers, Hakata as well as Kumamoto went on their own separate ways.

While Hakata ramen would grow as well as ended up being the most recognizable type in Japan, Kumamoto ramen isn’t as prominent or even heard of outside Japan. Kumamoto commonly utilizes much thicker noodles than its northern neighbor. Hakata’s stock is commonly kotteri, which is rich, thick as well as opaque, while Kumamoto’s is typically assari, which implies light as well as thin, many likely since many versions are mixed with poultry stock. That said, in spite of being lighter-bodied, Kumamoto ramen likewise packs a ton of strong flavors. thanks to the copious servings of garlic, which may are available in numerous forms. Some bowls have a layer of rich mayu (burnt garlic oil), some with rather generous sprinkles of fried garlic chips, others have both. Regardless, it is this distinctly strong garlic flavor that sets it aside from other ramen styles.

I am a sucker for garlic as well as strong, bold, punch-ful flavors so Kumamoto ramen is certainly my cup of tea (or bowl of ramen?). It’s best up my alley. So I made sure that I would be able to try it while in the city. as well as I can state definitively that it’s one of my top three favorites.

ASO बीफ (Akaushi)

Kumamoto’s land may be volcanic, however its map is shaded with miles of grasslands that are suitable for grazing cattle. one of the prefecture’s signature food product is Aso beef, which comes from Akaushi (Japanese brown cow or red cow), one of the four breeds of wagyu.

The term Aso beef is reserved for the meat from cows that are increased in the expansive grassland of the region. like Kobe beef (which is from Japanese black cow), Aso beef is valued for its top notch marbled meat. You can delight in it as a donburi (rice topping) or yakiniku (grilled/barbeque).

घोडाको मासु

Another meat delicacy in this part of Japan is equine meat. It’s not remove exactly how equine ended up being food in Kumamoto. Some state its origins can be traced back to the tale of samurai who were trapped with their horses in a castle for 2 months, without any type of other food source. one more account points to the period after world war II, when the horses ended up being obsolete.

Horse meat is served at some yakiniku places, where you can grill it, as well as however the most typical method that locals delight in this is by eating it raw. Called basashi, equine meat sashimi is a routine product at numerous restaurants not just in Kumamoto however other locations in Kyushu. I found basashi at a restaurant in Saga as well as Fukuoka!

And yes, I tried it. We had a platter of basashi from different parts of a horse. This was already my second time eating equine meat, so I wasn’t averse to the idea. (The very first time was in Kazakhstan.) The loin was truly great as well as tender. It tasted much like beef however leaner. Some parts — I failed to remember which exactly! — are a bit chewy. like fish sashimi, it is dipped in a sauce.

कुरोबुक अनसेन

For those who want to stay away from the hustle as well as bustle of huge cities, Kurokawa Onsen is a location to consider. It is the most widely known hot spring towns in Kumamoto as well as fosters a traditional, rustic atmosphere. Tourists, mainly domestic, come right here for rotenburo (outdoor baths) as well as ryokan (traditional Japanese inn). Its few streets are likewise lined by restaurants as well as shops.

Amakaakusa डल्फिन हेर्दै

Amakusa is a chain of islands off the coastline of mainland Kumamoto. While much of the prefecture has embraced farming as well as the gifts their volcanic lands bring, the life in Amakusa revolves around the sea. From Amakusa, you can hop onto a trip boat to see a few of the 200 wild Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins that regular Ariake Sea.

The dolphins come to these waters every day, so trip guides are positive that you will see the dolphins. It is very, extremely unusual that they don’t show up, according to them. Our trip guide stated that in all her years in the business, the dolphins didn’t appear on only one occasion.

If the dolphins are a no-show during your visit, you will be provided a voucher that entitles you to come back on one more day as well as try once again for free.


When it concerns popularity, economic success as well as cultural impact, few Japanese mascots can hold a candle to Kumamoto’s adorable as well as cuddly Kumamon.

Kumamon is Kumamoto Prefecture’s official mascot, a wide-eyed red-cheeked black bear produced to draw in much more tourists. Yet, his existence as well as influence is not restricted within the confines of Kumamoto. He’s all over in Japan! I always see him in some type — stuffed, plastered, key-chained, projected — in other parts of the country.

According to South China morning Post, “In just two years, Kumamon has produced US$1.2 billion in economic benefits for his region, including tourism as well as product sales.”

He’s likewise a YouTuber now, my gulay! Truly, Kumamon is not just a mascot. He’s a superstar! So I was truly pleased to set foot in his house prefecture!

विशेष ट्रेनहरू सवारी गर्नुहोस्

If you’re like me, you delight in train rides tremendously. however not all trains are produced equal. In Kumamoto, the journey can likewise be the attraction! Whether you’re traveling to or from Kumamoto Prefecture, you can catch two themed trains: the Aso young boy as well as the A-Train.

The Aso young boy is a restricted reveal train that runs on Nippo primary Line as well as Hohi primary Line, linking the cities of Oita as well as Bepu to Aso City in Kumamoto. The train’s mascot is Kuro, whom you’ll see all over on the train. This quite young boy will treat you to remarkable views of the Aso caldera as well as the Kumamoto countryside.

But what makes Aso young boy different from all the other trains isn’t just in the packaging. It is packed with amenities that passengers will certainly appreciate including the following:

A Panorama section (Car-1, Car-4) with big front windows for a excellent view of the surrounding landscapes

A spacious lounge where you can likewise delight in the view as well as relax

Kuro Cafe, which provides a choice of snacks as well as other original products

A pool full of wooden balls, ideal for kids as well as kids at heart
A Japanese-style room

A mini-library with a collection of photo books for kids

Another special restricted reveal train running across Kumamoto is the A-Train, which operates on Amakusa-Misumi as well as Amakusa-Takarajima lines. named after the jazz common “Take the A-Train,” the A-Train is a vintage-themed charm that will take you down the memory lane!

In the 16th century, Amakusa had a strong southern European influence, which the A-Train takes on as well as showcases. inside the cabins, you’ll discover a dark wood as well as discolored glass motif. aside from its great design, you’ll likewise discover a bar on board, where you can view the idyllic rural scenes pass by as you delight in a glass of “A” Highball infused with regional Dekopon oranges. Or if your wonderful tooth is aching for dessert, munch on some Amakusa salt caramel or salt vanilla ice cream.

Both trains offer a quick picture op! Both are likewise covered by the JR Kyushu Rail Pass, which we will talk about below.

कम्मोटोलाई कसरी पुग्ने

The nearest worldwide flight terminal is in Fukuoka. From here, you requirement to get to Hakata Station. Here’s how.

From Hakata Station, catch a shinkansen (bullet train) to Kumamoto.
Travel time: around 40 minutes.
Fare: ¥2,170 (one way)
Seat Fee: ¥2,530 (unreserved)
Total cost: ¥4,700 (one-way)

To see the schedule, you can inspect Hyperdia.

If you’re traveling from Fukuoka to Kumamoto or you plan to check out numerous parts of Kumamoto as well as other prefectures, think about getting a JR Kyushu Rail Pass to save a great deal on fares! On our many recent trip, JR Kyushu provided us a JR Kyushu Rail Pass so we might utilize it extensively as well as see exactly how far it might take us.

The JR Kyushu Rail Pass is available in three versions: Northern, Southern, as well as ALL Kyushu. however let’s focus on the two passes only: northern as well as ALL Kyushu.

If you’re interested to see Kumamoto City, Aso, as well as Misumi, the JR northern KYUSHU area PASS can suffice. It covers many of the essential traveler attractions in the northern half of the prefecture in addition to Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, as well as northern Oita. However, you won’t be able to utilize it to travel to stations south of Kumamoto station or Aso Station.
– Can be utilized for: regional trains, restricted reveal trains, as well as Hakata-Kumamoto Shinkansen
– Price: ¥8660 (3 days); ¥10,190 (5 days)
– number of seat reservations allowed: 10 (for 3 days), 16 (for 5 days)

If you’re going to Shin-Yatsushiro as well as Hitoyoshi, you will requirement to purchase single tickets. However, if you likewise plan to see much more destinations in the south like Miyazaki as well as Kagoshima prefectures, think about getting the ALL KYUSHU area PASS instead.
– Can be utilized for: regional trains, restricted reveal trains, as well as Hakata-Kagoshima-chuo Shinkansen
– Price: ¥15,280 (3 days); ¥18,330 (5 days)
– number of seat reservations allowed: 10 (for 3 days), 16 (for 5 days)

To provide you an concept on exactly how much cost savings you can get, here’s an example. The fare from Hakata (Fukuoka) to Kumamoto alone is approximately ¥4700 one-way, with unreserved seats. Round-trip, that’s practically ¥9,400.

Just by buying a northern KYUSHU area PASS for those two trips, you would already save over ¥740. however this pa

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