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औपनिवेशिक न्यूयोर्क शहर

पोष्ट गर्न एक गाईड: / / 2 / / 200 | सेप्टेम्बर 2 24, 2020

एक ईतिहास मूर्खको रूपमा, मलाई एक गन्तव्यको विगतमा एक गहिरो डाइभ लिन मन पर्छ। म एक दृढ विश्वासी हुँ कि मान्छे कहाँबाट आएको हुँ भनेर बुझ्नुभएन भने तपाईले कहिले बुझ्नुहुने छैन कि उनीहरू अहिले कहाँ छन् भनेर कहिले बुझ्नु हुँदैन। यो एक ठूलो कारण हो किनकी म संग्रहालयहरू धेरै माया गर्छु।

देशका सब भन्दा पुरानो शहरहरू मध्ये एकको रूपमा न्यु योर्क शहरको धेरै इतिहास छ।

पहिलो पटक डचले “नयाँ अमर्डर्डम” को रूपमा बसोबास गर्यो, “शहरले 1 166464 मा अंग्रेजीमा आत्मसमर्पण गर्यो। यो शहर हडसन नदीमा भएको मुखमा अवस्थित थियो। क्रान्ति पछि न्यू योर्क अमेरिकाको शक्ति र सरकारको केन्द्र थियो, आधिकारिक रूपमा 1 17. In मा देशको पूंजी शपथ भएको थियो। जबकि यो वाशिंगटन, डीसी 1 1800 मा) एनईसी अझै पनि देशको पिट्ने मुटु थियो।

किनकि मलाई मेरो यात्रामा “विषयवस्तु” थपेर, न्यु योर्कको लागि एक महान विषयवस्तु औपंश इतिहास हो – र शहरको प्रायश्चितको इतिहास आज पनि उपस्थित छ।

धेरैजसो दृश्यहरू वित्तीय जिल्लामा अवस्थित छन् (NYC को सबैभन्दा अन्डरपरेक्रिड फलहरूमध्ये एक), त्यसैले एक दिनमा सबैको भ्रमण गर्न सजिलो छ। यहाँ के हेर्दै छ:

1. ब्याट्री (AKA ब्याट्री पार्क)

म्यानहट्टनको दक्षिणी विचारमा अवस्थित, यो पार्क जहाँ डचले फोर्ट अन्डरफेडमलाई उनीहरूको बस्तीको रक्षा गर्न 1 16225 मा बनायो। बेलायतीले क्षेत्र 1 1666464 मा क्षेत्र लिए र अन्ततः यो फोर्ट जर्जलाई नेवीट गरियो। जबसम्म किल्लाको तोप ब्याट्री 1 177666 सम्म प्रयोग भएन जब अमेरिकी सेनाले स्वतन्त्रता घोषणा गरेपछि यसलाई लिए। क्रान्तिकारी क्रान्तिको समयमा किल्लामा ज्यादातर नष्ट भएको बेलामा ब्याट्रीको अन्त्य पछि ब्याट्री विस्तार गरियो।

आज, पार्कमा 20 करोडहरू र प्लम्बहरू छन् जुन क्रान्तिकारी युद्ध र 12 12 को युद्धबाट आप्रवासनबाट आवरण गर्दैछन्। तपाईं फोर्टरको वरिपरि घुम्न सक्नुहुन्छ र त्यसपछि वरपरको पार्कबाट टहलिन्छ र बन्दरगाहको सुन्दर वाटरफानको दृश्यहरू, स्वतन्त्रताको मूर्ति, र एलिस टापुमा लिनुहुन्छ।

2. ट्रोन्स

यो न्यूयोर्क शहरमा सब भन्दा पुरानो बार हो, घरबाट रूपान्तरण गरिएको 1 1762. मा निर्मित शमूएट एडम एन्टिशन सर्भर) भेट्नेछ यहाँ उनीहरूको योजना र दर्शनहरु मा जान।

युद्धको क्रममा, भवन बिग्रिएको थियो जब अलेक्ज्याण्डर हर्मिनले ब्रिटिश अलेटिश अस्तारको एक कार्यभार भन्दा प्रयोगकर्तालाई पठाइन्छ। युद्ध पछि, जर्ज वाशि Washingtontonton ले उसका अधिकारीहरू र महान् सेनाको सेनालाई भने।

युद्धको अन्त्य हुँदा, बेलायती र अमेरिकीहरूबीचको बैठक यहाँ दासत्वमा जान यहाँ आयोजित गरिएको थियो। अमेरिकाले जिद्दी गरिएको छैन कि बेलायतीहरूले मुक्त गरेका दासहरूले हामीलाई माटो छोड्न सक्छन् (धेरैलाई अहिलेसम्म क्यानाडामा स्वतन्त्रतामा पठाइएको थियो। (यो एक देशको रूपमा हाम्रो उत्कृष्ट क्षणहरू मध्ये एक थिएन।)

आज, पहिलो तल्लामा, त्यहाँ एक राम्रो सम्मानजनक रेस्टुरेन्ट (थोरै overpriced) र ड्राफ्ट बियरको एक महान चयन संग एक बार छ। टावरनले ऐतिहासिक वार्ताहरू, साथै तुरपुरी रातहरू जस्ता घटनाहरू पनि हो। यो दोस्रो तल्लामा सानो संग्रहालयको पनि घर हो, जसमा सबै प्रकारका ऐतिहासिक कागजातहरू र वस्तुहरू समावेश छन्। 201 on मा भवनको निर्माणको 300 औं वार्षिकोत्सवको लागि, नयाँ प्रदर्शनी यहाँ आएको थियो यहाँ भएका आवश्यक घटनाहरूलाई हाइलाइट गर्न।

Page 54 कृलै स्टीय, +1 (212) -425-177878, कमजोर उत्पादवर्गर.org। सोमबार सोमबार-शुक्रवार 12 बजे 12 बजे- 4PM र शनिबार-आइतवार 11 बिहान।

Down। उतार हरियो

यो सार्वजनिक पार्क NYC मा सब भन्दा पुरानो हो। औपनिवेशिक समयमा, बेलायतीले 400,000 पाउन्ड गिल्ड एसएआईएम क्लिल्ड एड्स III को हर्सलमा। पार्कतर्फ अगाडि बढ्ने, ब्रिटिश पार्कमा बारमा जबरजस्ती जबरजस्ती जबरजस्ती जबरजस्ती गर्न जबरजस्ती छ (जुन अझै आज खडा छ) र एन्टिडेटवाद कानूनहरू सिर्जना गर्दछ।

स्वतन्त्रताको घोषणा पछि 1 1776 मा पढिएको थियो, मूर्ति खतरनाक थियो र अपमान गरिएको थियो। टाउको, कथित रूपमा, इ England ्ल्यान्डलाई पठाइएको थियो। शव, त्यसैले कहानी जान्छ, कन्टिनेन्टल सेनाको लागि पग्लियो।

आज, क्षेत्र पार्क रहेको छ र संक्षिप्त ऐतिहासिक अवलोकनहरूको साथ बारमा एक पट्टििक छ।

T. ट्रिनिटी चर्च

1 16 8 in मा निर्माण गरिएको, इ England ्ल्यान्डको चर्चले निर्माण गरेको सानो ट्रिनिटी चर्च थियो। जब जर्ज वाशिंगटनको पछि हट्नुभयो भने ब्रिटिशले न्यू योर्क कब्जा गरे, यो अपरेशनको बेलायती आधारको रूपमा प्रयोग भयो।

मूल चर्च 1 17767676 को ठूलो आगोमा ध्वस्त भएको थियो, एक विशाल प्रलोभन जुन शहरको 2 25% (अमेरिकीहरूले आगलागीलाई सुरू गरेकोमा दोष लगाए, जबकि बेलायतीहरूले क्रान्तिकारीलाई दोष दिएका थिए)। नयाँ भवन, वाल स्ट्रिटको सामना गर्दै 1 17 19 90 0. जर्ज वाशिंगटन र अलेक्ज्याण्डर ह्यामिल्टनले नियमित रूपमा पूजा गरे। चर्चलाई 1 1839 in मा विस्तार गरिएको थियो।

चिहाउयाहासहरू 10000 को दशकमा फिर्ता छन् र त्यहाँ धेरै लोकप्रिय लोकप्रिय अमेरिकीहरू छन्, ह्यामिल्टन र उसको वाईपी सहितe Elizabeth, Francis Lewis (signatory on the declaration of Independence), John Alsop (Continental Congress delegate), Albert Gallatin (founder of NYU), Horatio Gates (Continental army general), John Morin Scott (general and first secretary of state of new York), and Lord Stirling (Continental army general).

75 Broadway, +1 212-602-0800, trinitywallstreet.org. excursions of the cemetery are available on request. There is also a self-guided excursion app you can download from the website.

5. federal Hall national Memorial

This national memorial has served as new York’s city hall and the united states custom-made House, as well as the site of the first Congress of the united states and George Washington’s presidential inauguration. It was also where the Continental Congress of 1765 met to go over the stamp Act, a tax imposed by the British crown.

The current structure, built in 1812, has a small museum that sheds light on the origins of America. part of the balcony and railing where Washington was inaugurated are still on display as well. It’s one of my favorite spots in new York — and one way too often overlooked by visitors!

26 wall St, +1 (212) 825-6990, nps.gov/feha/index.htm. open daily 9am–5pm. Admission is free. complimentary guided excursions are available several times per day (check the web site for hours).

6. St. Paul’s Chapel

Just up the street from Trinity Church (and officially part of its parish) is the oldest surviving church in Manhattan. built in 1766, the Hearts of Oak (a student militia from Kings College) used the church’s grounds for drill practice during the Revolutionary War. Alexander Hamilton was an officer in the unit. After George Washington became the first president of the us in 1789, he attended services here, making the chapel his home church.

Today, it’s a national historic Site, having survived the great fire of 1776, the Revolutionary War, and 9/11. The chapel is a basic hall decorated in pale colors. Glass chandeliers hang from the flat ceiling. It’s not particularly ornate, having a a lot more modern and minimalist design (they use moveable chairs instead of seats to allow for a lot more flexibility in what events can be held here).

209 Broadway, +1 212-602-0800, trinitywallstreet.org/about/stpaulschapel. excursions are used every Sunday at 11:15am after service. Admission is free. dress respectfully, as this is a place of worship.

7. City Hall Park

This park is where new Yorkers held rallies both before and during the Revolutionary War, including a rally against the stamp Act in 1765. When the Act was repealed the following year, a new flagpole was built here — known as the liberty pole — which waved a flag that said “Liberty.” people also gathered here to hear Washington read the declaration of independence in 1776; the spot is marked by a plaque from 1892 (another marks the location of the liberty Pole).

During the war, the British converted it into a prison to hold American prisoners of war, where over 250 Americans were executed. In 1783, when the war was won, Washington raised an American flag over the park.

Nowadays, it’s a pretty park with a fountain and benches to kick back on. You’ll see a lot of people here during lunch. (Well, at least you did pre-COVID.)

8. African Burial Ground national Monument

During the war of Independence, around 25% of the population of new York City was enslaved Africans or people of African descent. Over 40% of the population owned slaves, and the success and development of the city relied heavily on the work of enslaved men and women.

Once known as the “Negroes Burial Ground,” this is the largest colonial-era cemetery for both complimentary and enslaved Black Americans. Studies estimate that upwards of 15,000 people were buried here in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The site is a us national Monument as well as a national historic Landmark. A monument and a visitor’s center were built in 2007 to make sure that this crucial piece of history is not forgotten. inside the visitor’s center are several exhibitions, films, and dioramas highlighting the life of slaves in the city. visitors can learn how slaves were brought over by the Dutch, what their funerals were like, how they survived the extreme conditions in the city, and what archeologists learned when they exhumed the bodies from the area before building the monument.

290 Broadway, +1 (212) 238-4367, nps.gov/afbg/index.htm. open Tuesday-Saturday 10am–4pm. complimentary excursions are available from the visitor’s center. check the web site for dates and times.

9. Van Cortlandt house Museum

This is the oldest building in the Bronx and one of the oldest surviving buildings in the entire country. built in 1748 by African slaves, the property was used during the Revolutionary war by the Comte de Rochambeau, the Marquis de Lafayette, and George Washington (who had his headquarters here during the final years of the war).

It’s one of the oldest historic museum houses in the country (the fourth oldest to be precise), and much of the furniture and items on display are from the colonial era. Today, you can excursion the house to see what life was like during the war.

6036 Broadway, Van Cortlandt Park, +1 (718) 543-3344, vchm.org. open Tuesday-Friday 10am–4pm and weekends 11am–4pm. Admission is $5 USD.

Bonus Sites!

On Staten Island, you’ll find The conference House, where Ben Franklin led a peace delegation in 1776 (it failed). The house has been refurbished and does events throughout the year. It’s open now by private booking.

On the corner of Pearl and Broad, you’ll find the brick outline of Stadt Huys, the first city hall as well some glass portals that look down to remnants of the colonial city that were found in the 1970s.

You’ll also find bricks that show you where the old shoreline used to be during colonial days. (Everything from broad down is landfill created to expand the city as it became a bigger and bigger shipping hub.)

Guided Tours

While it’s really easy to walk around and see these sites for yourself, a walking excursion can supply a lot a lot more historical context (you know I love a good walking tour!). here are some paid and self-guided options:

George Washington’s new York – download the app “GPSmyCity: Walks in 1K+ Cities” for this complimentary self-guided tour. It’s a great companion to the above itinerary.

New York historical excursions – NY historical excursions runs a private two-hour “Alexander Hamilton and the Founding Fathers” excursion on the birth of America and the men who made it possible. At $249 USD, this is best split among a group.

Revolutionary excursions – This three-hour “Washington and Hamilton” excursion is a deep dive into colonial history. It’s informative and entertaining and will give you a much deeper appreciation for these two giants of history. It’s $35 USD per person. (Currently not running any excursions due to COVID.)

Patriot excursions – Patriot excursions uses both a Hamilton excursion as well as one on the Revolutionary war as a whole. They’re led by author and historian Karen Q and cost $40 USD per person. Karen also runs virtual excursions in case you want to travel from the comfort and safety of home during the pandemic.

New York City has a lot of history you shouldn’t miss. Whether you’re trying to find a complete historical excursion or just want to add some historical sights into your existing new York City itinerary, these suggestions will supply a look beyond the standard vacationer trail. considering that a lot of all these sites are close together (Van Cortlandt house is in the Bronx), you can visit them in a day.

पी। एस – There’s also a number of parks around nyc that used to be the locations for forts (and the forts that are there date from the 1800s) but there’s nothing really there now to see so I’ve left them off this list.

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